How to save time and money and get a winning website

With websites in high demand, it’s a common experience for the cost and time to have a website built easily blow out from what was initially quoted. This can delay deadlines and not meet expectations which can lead to frustration and disappointment.

But there are a number of avoidable factors that can contribute to delays and increased costs. These include; a lack of brand style and identity, poor digital photography or product images, lack of content especially engaging copy, and most importantly, a lack of understanding of what is required upfront to ensure that a winning website can be launched without issue or delay. 

It starts with a thorough brief

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you have provided your web designer a thorough brief of what your websites main purpose is. Will your site be informational, that is you’ll just be sharing stories and information? Will you be selling product and therefore need a digital shopfront? Will your site be member based and requiring a customer login? Do you simply need a one page personal resume? Determining these details upfront will assist in setting up the website structure and saving you time.

Do you have a logo and an established brand style?

Having a professional logo is a great start, but having a brand style is even better. A branded website that is consistent with your businesses visual identity creates brand recognition and establishes professionalism with your customers and potential audience. It’s important to provide examples of your branded items and your social media if you want a cohesive look across all your digital platforms. 

Do you already have engaging information about your business and products?

If you’re engaging a web designer be sure to have the most important content ready before starting the project. Good content is characterised by; newsworthy headlines, compelling copy, and clearly articulates a call to action. To ensure you optimise the time visitors spend on your website, and ultimately engage or purchase from you, you need to make sure your copy stands out. If you’re not confident with your content, it would be wise to seek out a copywriter who will easily change the tone and language so that it’s more relatable and engaging.

A picture paints a thousand words: do yours?

Winning websites provide a balance of visual and informational content. Just the right amount of visuals is determined by the nature of your business. And the style of the images should reflect your brand identity. It’s worthwhile investing in professional photography, it can make a huge difference when promoting or selling products online. Good headshots never go astray either. Although images used for website will often be low resolution, the quality of the image is still important. Make sure you have yours ready!

The legal stuff is important too

Australia’s heavily regulated consumer laws require businesses operating online to include their website Terms and Conditions of Use on their website if they sell goods or services. Although it isn’t a requirement to have a cookie consent pop-up or your privacy policy on your website, most businesses decide it’s a simple way to comply with Australia Privacy Principles.

As Alexander Graham Bell once said, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”. 

Are you prepared for creating your successful website?

To find out how JMARC Consulting can help you build your new winning website, email us at